


Status: Build: average
Currently: singleEyes: other
Height: 5ft. 8 in.Ethnicity: White
Hair: brownHIV: negative
Sexually: versatile Body art: none
Looking for: friends, email/chat, love/ relationship, a date, ask me

Age: between 18 and 35
His build: slim, athletic
Sexually: versatile
Looking for: friends, email/chat, love/ relationship, a date
Sept is National Suicide Prevention Month
For More Information On Suicides, see my blog at myspace. com / annanotherthing2 Avid Diet Coke drinker who believes that anything is possible, and yet, sadly, unlikely. Um... Something of a socialist I suppose. I can't see why a janitor should make less than a PhD. I mean, somebody, somewhere has to clean the toilet, so why do we value that less? I'd like to believe in a person's better angel, but I realize that it doesn't matter whether I believe or not, only that the people believe. I think that belief could change the world, but I've come to understand that it's easier for folks not to change anything they do then to try something new. But that's ok. In the end, everything works itself out (I cheated and took a peak at the end of this book, so don't sweat it!). I have a long list of people to whom I owe an apology. Some of those people to this day I can't seem to speak to without sticking my foot in my mouth, so maybe I'll just let that go for now, and hope that in the hereafter when everything is revealed, they'll know the depths of my sincerity. I love my cats. Really. I have four little kittens meowing under my bed even as we speak. And no, I am not crazy. At least not now. At least I don't think so. Some of my interests General Anything philosophical. Just about anything musical. Anything that involves eating (certain exclusions apply, see sales representative for details) As for music, pretty much anything. Just pick up a music catalog somewhere and flip through it. Like Sachmo said, there's only two types of music, good and bad. If it has a beat, I buy. I'm a big fan of film, and I love to talk about them too. The Short list would be Brokeback Mountain (can't really watch this movie, but a big thanks to those involved in making it. Means allot to me) Gone With The Wind Guess Who's Coming To Dinner (The original one, haven't seen the remake yet) Contact Goodbye Mr Chips (Again, the original one) Any of the countless Christmas Carol Movies All of the Star Trek films The Day The Earth Stood Still Open Range (Really, Anything Costner. They say he acts the same character in every movie he's in, but I like the character, and I think he's a fine actor) Driving Mrs Daisy Color Purple Lion of Africa San Francisco (1936, staring Clark Gable, one of the finest special effects films of it's era, and a damn good story) I don't really watch allot of television. History Channel, Discovery, AMC and TCM, Anything Star Trek, and anything at all that will make me laugh. As for books, I like Glen Cook's Garrett series is a personal favorite. Allot of metaphysical books, Ishmael by Danial Quinn, Conversations with God, The Profit, to name a few. Classic Science Fiction, pre-space age stuff, before we really knew what was below Venus' clouds. Wasp (can't think of the Author's name, but if you really want to know, I'll try to remember it, great book). As for personal heroes, I don't know. I suppose it's anyone anywhere that wakes up in the morning knowing they can't make a difference, and still yet gets up out of the bed and tries.

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