


Status: Build: slim
Currently: singleEyes: green
Height: 6ft. 4 in.Ethnicity: White
Hair: brownHIV: negative
Sexually: versatile Body art: piercings (ears)
Looking for: friends, email/chat, love/ relationship, a date, hookup/sex

Age: between 18 and 25
His build: slim, athletic
Sexually: versatile
Looking for: email/chat, hookup/sex, love/ relationship, a date
I'm out for that atypical guy who can show me a good time and/or i can show a good time. I enjoy the city with slight side of environment. I need the variety and the rush of the lively. I need to run at least 3 or 4 miles a day to keep in shape or I don't feel like it. I eat as if i were a health nazi and I will keep it up. I try to keep the fantasy going from the streets to bedroom and even further. Vitality is one of my sure-fired characteristics. Some say that i'm cold and too verbose, but once you get to know me, i can surely warm up and i can even make the silence enjoyable. I am looking for a relationship. I'm always in the mood for some outgoing fun however, i would rather have someone to talk to (in all honesty, i'm a hopeless romantic). I'm a vegetarian attempting to be a vegan. I'm ridiculously tall and will not try for shorties - too much of gap Green eyes, always try to smell good, would sometimes say emotional - i'd rather live with my heart on my sleeve then not having one to show anyone. I'm me and i'm done changing for anyone else.

Your result for The Gay Guy Test...


You are 51% a Macho Jock, 46% Pink and Femme, and 42% Scene-Emo

You are a mixture of the all types of gayness. Nothing stands out in your personality and interests, you will fit in almost anywhere and arent classified by any major stereotypes.

Take The Gay Guy Test at HelloQuizzy


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